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Office of Special Education

//Office of Special Education
Office of Special Education 2024-08-14T11:32:41-06:00

where the OSE should go and why

All students with disabilities (SWDs) are engaged in high quality curriculum and instruction within inclusive educational environment opportunities that leads to deep learning which results in college, career, and community readiness.

who we are as a team, how we work toward our vision, and what makes us unique

The Office of Special Education will provide supports to districts, parents and SWDs to ensure outcomes of a free appropriate public education for students protected under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). We will review data to make decisions that will impact support for SWDs to meet college and career ready standards through equitable access to rigorous courses, high-quality instruction, and appropriate supports.

guiding principles of our work and how we operate

The OSE has high expectations, engages in culturally responsive practices, promotes student relationships, family and community engagement and a collective responsibility for SWDs and their families. What does that mean?

“Ensuring that all children, including children with disabilities, are held to rigorous academic standards and high expectations is a shared responsibility for all of us.” – US Department of Education Dear Colleague Letter, November 16, 2015

Joint Statement on Interprofessional Collaborative Goals in School-Based Practice

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Advisory Panel Meeting Announcements

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and CREC link

UDL is a framework for learning design that reflects what we know from the learning sciences about how people learn

Teacher Mentorship Matters: Discover why teacher mentorship matters in the State of New Mexico. Contact us 575-257-2368

Region 9 Education Cooperative: Office of Special Education – Resources

Resources supported by NMPED and OSEP

STARS Data Reporting Dates

First Reporting Period 40th Day
LEA Snapshot 10/12/2022
Submission Begins 10/13/2022 @ 12:00 AM
10 Business Day Submission Deadline 10/26/2021 @ 11:59 PM
Data Review Begins 10/27/2022 @ 12:00 AM
Data Review Deadline 11/10/2022 @ 11:59 PM
School Budget Membership Reports sent to LEAs Once all validations are complete
STARS Data Certification Will Leave to School Budget to determine

STARS Submission Schedule/Templates

Data Submission Window Date on Templates Official Snapshot Date Official Data Submission Window Opens
Open Year Round 07/15/2022 NA TBD
1st Reporting Period (40D) 10/01/2022 10/12/2022 10/13/2022
2nd Reporting Period (80D) 12/15/2022 12/01/2022 12/02/2022
3rd Reporting Period (120D) 03/01/2023 02/08/2023 02/09/2023
End of Year (EOY) 06/01/2023 Last Day of School 05/15/2023

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Information and Training
Dispute Resolution
District Data
Education Administrator LEA Assignments
IDEA Panel
Laws, Rules, & Governance
Parent Portal
Public Notices and State Performance
Office of Special Education Staff
Technical Manuals
Hard to Staff Pay Differential

Procedural Safeguards Notice in English, Spanish, Navajo, Russian, Vietnamese, and Mandarin

IDEA Safeguards ASL

Parent and Child Rights Procedural Safeguard Notice – December 2020 PDF
Derechos de los Padres y de/la Nino(a) en la Educacion Especial en Espanol PDF
Parent and Child Rights in Special Education in Navajo PDF
Parent and Child Rights in Special Education in Russian PDF
Parent and Child Rights in Special Education in Vietnamese PDF
Parent and Child Rights in Special Education in Mandarin PDF
ASL Procedural Safeguards for Students with Disabilities and Their Families Video

Page last updated August 14, 2024